What Is Tamsulosin

Related article: You, puppy, will never forget all mj words Of advice, or be stupid and weak ; You listen so well, Tamsulosin .4mg and can hear all I say, Though, except with your eyes, yoa cant Tamsulosin Flomax speak. There are ignorant bumpkins who ride over hounds — They ought to be hung I declare— If anyone, puppy, e*er rides over you, With my hunting crop— Tamsulosin 0.4 Mg may I be there 1 So puppy, my puppy, come, give me your paw, I behold your sad eyes with a sigh ; For soon to the kennels you'll go, and alas ! I Dutasteride Tamsulosin must bid my dear puppy good-bye. T. H. DiTCHFIELD. A Day with the Indian Grouse. The bird referred to above is the Sandgrouse, of which there are no fewer than nine species in India Tamsulosin Cost ; two of which, however, viz. : " Syrrhoptes Tibetanus," and **S. Paradoxus" are feather- footed, and Sandoz Tamsulosin confined to Thibet and the borders of China. The seven barefooted species Tamsulosin Tablets in India are ** Pterocles Arenarius," or Large Sandgrouse ; ** P. Senegalus," or the Spotted ; ** P. Coronatus," or the Coroneted ; ** Tamsulosin Women P. Fasciatus,'* or the Painted ; ** P. Lichten- steini," or the close-barred ; " P. Exustus," or the Common ; ** P. Alchata," or the Pintailed ; but of these only the common and large are numerous, and the large, or black-bellied Sandgrouse a winter visitor to the Punjab, affords the best sport. This species, (which by the way is Tamsulosin 4 Mg supposed to be the bird mentioned in the Bible, Num- bers XI. V. 31) weighs from i to ij lbs, and is a handsome game bird ; it is a rapid flyer and its close plumage requires a Flomax Tamsulosin heavy charge of powder and large shot. These birds were found breeding near Kandahar during the last Afghan VJsLTy the eggs, 3 in number, being laid in a slight depression in the ground during May and June. Their food consists of seeds of small plants and grasses, and in those shot, small stones are always found in their stomachs ; their call, a peculiar clucking whistle, is unmistakable. They frequent large, it may be said in some places vast, sandy plains, and at midday, when the sun is hot, Tamsulosin Hydrochloride take a siesta, bustling about and dusting them- selves, first one wing up and then the other like an old hen; they drink always once in the morning, sometimes again in the afternoon at some river or jheel, early when the weather is hot, later when cold. During cloudy weather they are on the move all day. The packs which I came across rarely numbered more than a hundred, twenty to fifty being about the average, though there are accounts of packs of upwards of two thou- sand, and tales of how many cart- loads were poached by men lying concealed and shooting them while drinking at the rivers or water- holes, I regret to say not always by natives. Hume in his " Game Birds of India," says : — " Sand- grouse are not found in Assam; but I certainly on one occa- lafT.l A DAY WITH THB mDlAR GROUSE. 231 siaa flushed a small pack of " Ptcrodo Arenarius *' m Assam : I could not be mistaken in the birds» haYing shot so many in the Pmijab, and dieir pecnUar note is tmmistakabley unfortunately I did not get a shot as my gun was behind with my orderly and they flew over a hill out of sight. As the month was April they were probably migrating. My orderly, a Punjabee, recognised the birds at once. At the time I write of^ being Adjutant of my regiment, an occasional Thursday during the cold weather was all I could de- vote to fishing or shooting, but I generally managed to get ten days about Christmas ; the fishing, by the way, was some of the best I ever had in India, Mahseer with Salmon Fly, but that, as Kipling says, is another story ; now for the Sandgrouse. It was four o'clock on a January morniDg, the place a station in the north of the Punjab, a voice in the darkness says, *' Sahib, Sahib, it is four o'clock ; " answer sleepily, '* Very well. Is the horse ready ? *' " Yes, Sahib." . " Has the Khitmutgar got the tea ready ? " " Yes, Sahib." Tamsulosin 400 Mg No further questions occurring to me to delay the evil moment, I get up, dress, have my tea and toast, issue forth, mount Tamsulosin 0.4 and gallop oflF. The place I am going to being about fourteen miles out, J Tamsulosin For Women have one pony stationed half- way, the man in charge of him and my other Syce and Tamsulosin Price orderly having gone on the night before. On arrival I find my orderly and Syce shivering with the cold, the temperature being about the freezing Tamsulosin In Women point. The place is a large sandy plain, interspersed with a few ploughed fields. Walking carelessly along with my orderly, the latter suddenly whispers, '' Bhut-tetur,'' (Sand- grouse). I look where he points, see nothing, but an instant after, up from the tmre ground about thirty yards off get a small pack of seven or eight birds, I have only time to fire one barrel, feathers are knocked out of the bird but he goes on with the rest, the orderly exclaiming, Cost Of Tamsulosin '< He is hit, but not killed,*' the latter being self-evident. Remembering What Is Tamsulosin past experience, I watch him with the field-glass and have the satis- faction of seeing him drop sud- denly like a stone, and on walking up find the bird quite dead. This puts the orderly, a Punjabee Mussulman, into good spirits, he always laying great stress on the success of the first shot. We walk on and presently hear overhead the peculiar clucking note of the Large Sandgrouse, and see a flock whirling by, but out of shot, at the rate apparently of sixty miles an hour, they settle about half a mile away. On approaching the place we find some ploughed fields inter- spersed in the sandy plain, and to find the grouse will be difficult, as they lie close and are undistin- guishable from the colour of the ground. You may thus pass them or have them get up behind you and be out of shot before you can turn Tamsulosin Dutasteride round. However, this time it is I who get a glimpse of something that moves, no doubt a grouse turning on his side to sun himself. Leaving the orderly standing Dutasteride And Tamsulosin motionless I advance in a •* can't see you '* sort of way so as to pass the birds about forty yards off". Perhaps they are keeping an eye